Saturday, September 20, 2008

Trent's Photostream

Trent got a Fisher Price Kid Tough Digital Camera for his birthday and took about 80 pictures with it. I created a Picasa site for him and we've uploaded the best of his work. His self-portrait is to the left.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Water Rising

IMG_3566We're in the midst of a huge rainstorm. Lots of thunder and lightening. Very very frightening. The water level out by the street is rising. It may very well have reaching these level previously, but probably only while I wasn't home or when it was dark outside. This is the first time I've seen it in day light. I guess this is one of the downsides to living in an old cornfield. There's very little terrain for water flow. I hesitate to think what the crawlspace must look like at this point.

I posted some pictures on Flickr. There are gullies between those lamp posts and the street that are at least two feet below the level of the driveway.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Too funny.

I know that this is probably a little riske, but I found it hilarious.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Can't Think What To Do With That Cat Fur?

The other day Tina pulled a 3 inch ball of relatively densely packed fur out of our cat Random. We looked at for a while. Speculated about the vast quantity of allergens that it contained. In the end, we threw it away. Imagine my embarrassment when I realized that we could have done something as cool as this.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Front Porch Nest

Front Porch NestSome birds have taken up residence in a nest on our front porch. They built a nest in a wreath we had on our front door. Obviously, we don't use our front door that often. But, to avoid any potential accidents, we carefully moved the nest off the front door to an a more fixed position nearby. The birds didn't seem to mind. There were eggs and then baby birds.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Best Comedy Sketches of All Time

I recently ran across a media piece where someone put together their list of the 50 Greatest Comedy Sketches. Comedy is something that appears to change over time. All evidence suggests that there have always been people who have though SNL was funny. Just not the same people as the years have passed. I was a fan of the Dan Akroyd/John Belushi era and the Eddie Murphy/Joe Piscopo era. After filtering through the 50, here's my favorites.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Trent In The Shop

IMG_3303Trent loves the shop. He enjoys looking through the tools. He likes to go through my tool boxes and ask me what everything is. He particularly enjoys putting together and taking apart my various sockets on my ratchet wrench set. But, his interests go beyond the mechanical. When he eventuallyIMG_3308 discovered the little multi-meter that I had in one of the toolboxes, he enjoyed using its continuity mode to go around the shop and test things to see whether they were conductive or not. The meter makes an exciting beeping sound when something is conductive and remains boringly silent when something is not.